Avenue S Rehabilitation
Galveston County | Galveston, Texas
Baseline | DCCM supported land surveying services for 2.5 miles of Avenue S from 53rd Street east to Seawall Boulevard Drive. Tasks included right-of-way (ROW) determinations, topographic surveying, and subsurface utility surveying to support engineering design. The project included a full-depth replacement of existing pavement and utilities, including water lines and sanitary and storm sewer systems of subsurface pipe networks. Approximately 275 parcels were abstracted to support ROW determinations and graphically depict property ownership.
Survey control was established, including aerial targets on the ground to support aerial triangulation of aerial UAS/drone imagery acquisition performed by a subconsultant. Lidar data was also collected, post-processed, and delivered to us for analysis and integration into our survey. Supplemental ground surveying was performed to support validation of the imagery and lidar data. Final deliverables included 3D mapping in Civil 3D format and rectified orthomosaic imagery of the project extents.