
SH 105 Right-of-Way Mapping

SH 105 Right-of-Way Mapping TxDOT | Montgomery County, Texas Baseline | DCCM performed 3.5 miles of right-of-way (ROW) mapping from Walker Road to the San Jacinto County line. The project also included the preparation of ROW maps and 77 individual parcel plats and metes-and-bounds descriptions suitable for use in ROW acquisition. Baseline | DCCM performed abstracting and field surveys to reconcile found monumentation with record instruments. The team performed ground-truthing of TxDOT aerial planimetric files and field located features not shown or not identified, such as underground gasoline storage tanks or features obscured by tree canopy. The project also involved setting monuments at the corners of all parcels and preparation of project ROW maps, control maps, and control recovery data sheets. All drawings were submitted on Mylar® and in MicroStation digital format.

FM 1495 Right-of-Way and Topographic Mapping

FM 1495 Right-of-Way and Topographic Mapping TxDOT | Freeport, Texas Baseline | DCCM provided right-of-way (ROW) and topographic mapping associated with the re-establishment of the existing ROW for FM 1495 for 1,500 feet north and south of the bridge over the old Brazos River channel in Freeport. This included subcontracting with a LSLS to determine the limits of the state’s tidal boundaries along the channel. Also included was the setting of panel points for aerial photogrammetry, topographic surveying (including channel soundings), and a detailed bridge survey. Baseline | DCCM revised ROW maps to include three temporary construction easements (TCEs) and set Type II monuments to replace missing TxDOT monuments throughout the project area. Deliverables consisted of ROW maps prepared in MicroStation and GEOPAK, metes-and-bounds descriptions and parcel plats of a TxDOT easement across the state’s submerged lands, and TCEs.

SH 99 (Grand Parkway), Segment G

SH 99 (Grand Parkway), Segment G TxDOT | Harris County, Texas Baseline | DCCM, through a design-build project, was responsible for the surveying of 30 parcels for acquisition by TxDOT for Segment G of the Grand Parkway. This project was 4,200 linear feet long (0.8 miles). The project limits were from Northgate Crossing Boulevard (east of IH 45) on the west to the Hardy Toll Road on the east. All the work was performed in accordance with TxDOT standards and specifications. This work consisted of updating and completing right-of-way (ROW) maps, parcel plats, metes-and-bounds descriptions, and setting of Type II ROW monuments for Segment G. Baseline | DCCM also created new ROW maps, parcel plats, metes-and-bounds descriptions, and set Type II ROW monuments for additional parcels required for both the construction of the southbound director connectors to the Hardy Toll Road and off-site easements. In addition, Baseline | DCCM also updated the supplied aerial planimetrics and prepared and updated control data sheets of new or replacement project control points.

Westheimer Streetscape Corridor Improvements

Westheimer Streetscape Corridor Improvements Westchase District | Harris County, Texas Baseline | DCCM managed and performed control surveys, right-of-way surveys, topographic surveys, surveys for resignalization, and surveys for proposed pedestrian walkway easements along 4 miles of Westheimer Road. The project extended from South Kirkwood Road to Gessner Road in the Westchase District of Harris County. The work was performed to assist architectural and civil design for beautification of the corridor and enhancement of pedestrian walkways, intersections, and transit stations. Deliverables included signed and sealed descriptions and surveys for numerous easements, signed and sealed survey control sheets prepared in accordance with TxDOT standards, and topographic surveys for design.

Beltway 8 High-Mast Illumination

Beltway 8 High-Mast Illumination Harris County Toll Road Authority | Harris County, Texas Baseline | DCCM provided surveying services for a high-mast illumination design project along Beltway 8 for HCTRA from November 2018 through September 2019. For this project, Baseline | DCCM coordinated a low-altitude aerial lidar flight for 25 miles of Beltway 8 from north of Lansdale Drive to the east of IH 45. This 25-mile segment was divided between four separate survey consultants, and Baseline | DCCM was responsible for 5 miles of the segment from north of Lansdale Drive to Briar Forest Drive. Baseline | DCCM verified the existing horizontal and vertical control and set new control, including primary control and secondary aerial control. This control was used by subconsultant Dallas Aerial Survey (DAS), who performed the aerial lidar flight, as well as for the acquisition of supplemental survey data by Baseline | DCCM field crews. Control was set by GPS, and digital differential levels were run through all control points to assure vertical accuracy. Control index sheets were also provided. Close coordination with DAS and the three other survey consultants was maintained to ensure a seamless and consistent product was delivered. Baseline | DCCM played a vital role in cost savings to HCTRA by suggesting one flight for the entire project instead of each consultant acquiring their flight data. Coordination was also ongoing between each consultant to ensure the survey and aerial control was accurate and relative. Additionally, Baseline | DCCM provided supplemental surveying services in the field to map surface features, obscured areas, flowline elevations, pipe sizes, and flow directions for storm drainage as well as captured all other features and utilities not captured by the aerial lidar. A Texas811 (one-call) was initiated to have utilities marked and flagged; abstracting and research was performed to obtain latest ownerships of adjoining parcels; ROW boundaries were determined based on provided record maps, found monumentation, and deeds; and plats were obtained through research for Baseline | DCCM’s entire segment. Staking of the project baseline was performed, and weekly progress reports were provided to the HCTRA Project Manager, allowing Baseline | DCCM to execute work in a professional and timely manner.

GPS Control Points

GPS Control Points City of League City | Galveston, League City, Texas In late 2021 and early 2022, Baseline | DCCM performed accurate horizontal and vertical GPS control surveying to update the existing City of League City GPS Survey Control Monument System. The existing 36 control monuments were recovered and reobserved, and observed or missing monuments were reset. Multiple redundant RTK GPS observations using the Hexagon (Leica) HxGN SmartNET Real-Time Network were performed on each point, using a minimum of three different satellite constellations were performed on each point. The disturbed and missing points were reset with ¾-inch aluminum, deep sectional rods in 6-inch PVC sleeves in concrete. The rods were driven to refusal or a maximum depth of 27 feet. Steel access covers marked the League City survey control point, and point designation (point number/identifier) was installed on each new point. The updated and new data obtained on each existing and new point consisted of the following: Horizontal datum: NAD 83, CORS adjustment (2011), EPOCH 2010.00 in U.S. survey feet Texas Coordinate System, South Central Zone 4204. North and east coordinates were reported in grid values and latitude/longitude. Mapping angle, scale factor, and combined scale factor were also provided. Vertical datum: NAVD 88 CORS adjustment with GEOID Model 18. Elevations were reported in U.S. survey feet. A detailed survey report was provided, which included: Detailed summary with background information (monument history) and survey methodology used Overall project vicinity maps showing the location of points SmarNet CORS information sheets Final coordinate list New survey control data sheets

Cedar Bayou Crossing Corridor Study

Cedar Bayou Crossing Corridor Study City of Baytown | Baytown, Texas Baseline | DCCM performed professional surveying services as a subconsultant to Binkley & Barfield | DCCM to obtain and review existing lidar data and the limited preliminary ground survey data for the Cedar Bayou Corridor Study. The project spanned 3.7 miles from North Main Street, 3,300 feet south of IH 10 (west tie-in point), to the intersection of SH 146 and Kilgore Parkway (east tie-in point).The latest available published lidar data from USACE and Texas Natural Resources Information System covering the project area to evaluate and perform the following tasks: Data sets were extracted/downloaded into Esri ArcGIS (Pro+3D Analyst tool) and Context Capture/OpenRoads Cross-data checks were performed relative to public shared datasets from TxDOT, the City of Baytown, Harris County, and other available online resources. The MicroStation DGN deliverable included: DEM 2D building/structure footprints Roads, highways, and railroads Overhead transmission lines Other visible features within the lidar data Limited field surveying was performed.  Field surveying tasks included setting four project control points, performing limited topographic surveying along North Main Street (1,000 feet north and south of the west tie-in point) and SH 146 (500 feet north and south of the west tie-in), and obtaining cross sections along the existing railroad running through the project. Field surveying also included determining the elevations of the existing railroad running at the railroad bridge over SH 146 and confirming (spot-checking) the lidar data in several accessible areas. The survey data was based on the NAD 83, Texas Coordinate System, South Central Zone (4204) CORS adjustment. Elevations were based on the NAVD 88 2001 adjustment relative to the lidar data. The survey information was provided in MicroStation Select Series 10.

On-Call Survey Contracts

On-Call Survey Contracts TxDOT | Various Cities, Texas Since 1982, Baseline | DCCM has been providing on-call surveying services for the TxDOT Houston District. More recent on-call surveying contracts have also included work for the Dallas, Beaumont, Bryan, Lufkin, El Paso, Amarillo, Waco, and Tyler districts. Services have included numerous ROW mapping projects, design and construction surveying, survey control networks, bridge surveys using laser scanning technology, and other related services. Below are several high-profile projects Baseline | DCCM has completed: SH 99 (Grand Parkway), Segment G and Segment I – Harris and Chambers County IH 10 East Bridge Scanning – Harris County IH 10 West Control Surveys – Harris County SH 6 Design Surveys for Ramp Improvements – Brazos County FM 2609 (Austin Boulevard) Right-of-Way Mapping, Design, and Utility Survey – Nacogdoches County SH 290 Bridge Surveys – Harris and Waller Counties Loop 375 (Woodrow Bean Transmountain Road) Design Surveys and Right-of-Way Easements – El Paso County

Bayland Island Development

Bayland Island Development City of Baytown | Baytown, Texas Baseline | DCCM provided the surveying associated with the development of this 27-acre peninsula (island) located south of SH 146, just east of the Fred Hartman Bridge in the City of Baytown. Close coordination was conducted with the City of Baytown officials, title companies, and developers. The surveying included detailed abstracting of a chain of title associated with mineral leases, pipelines, and real property records. The firm performed a shoreline boundary survey of the tidally influenced boundaries, boundary surveys of upland boundaries, and topographic surveys of the island. Additionally, Baseline | DCCM prepared an American Land Title Association/National Society for Professional Surveyors survey of the island and roadway access from SH 146, as well as a 6.8-acre portion of the island for development. The firm also coordinated utility and access easements and prepared and coordinated the platting of the entire project. An existing marina sports bar and grill facility is located on the island. Locating and identifying existing utility easements and utilities that served the island was difficult, especially a non-visible sanitary sewer force main. The Baseline | DCCM office personnel and field crew worked closely with the city’s public works department, subsurface utility engineering consultants, and others to excavate and locate the buried utility in various places and obtain an accurate location and depth of the line. Another challenge faced during the project was coordinating with engineers, architects, city planners, and various city departments. Baseline | DCCM implemented a solution by conducting regularly scheduled team progress and scheduling meetings. These meetings were crucial in ensuring the project remained on track and continued progressing productively. Additionally, weekly progress reports were provided to the City of Baytown to inform them about the project’s status. Through this experience, it was learned that regular meetings with the entire team not only help prevent potential issues but also promote organization and accelerate the project’s overall progress.

Avenue S Rehabilitation

Avenue S Rehabilitation Galveston County | Galveston, Texas Baseline | DCCM supported land surveying services for 2.5 miles of Avenue S from 53rd Street east to Seawall Boulevard Drive. Tasks included right-of-way (ROW) determinations, topographic surveying, and subsurface utility surveying to support engineering design. The project included a full-depth replacement of existing pavement and utilities, including water lines and sanitary and storm sewer systems of subsurface pipe networks. Approximately 275 parcels were abstracted to support ROW determinations and graphically depict property ownership. Survey control was established, including aerial targets on the ground to support aerial triangulation of aerial UAS/drone imagery acquisition performed by a subconsultant. Lidar data was also collected, post-processed, and delivered to us for analysis and integration into our survey. Supplemental ground surveying was performed to support validation of the imagery and lidar data. Final deliverables included 3D mapping in Civil 3D format and rectified orthomosaic imagery of the project extents.

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