Michael Konetski.jpg

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love problem-solving with the people that I work with. I am fortunate to be surrounded by some of the best in the industry.

How do you think technology will change surveying in the future?

For the last 4 or 5 years, technology has been changing certain aspects of surveying faster than ever before. I think it will continue to advance and require more forward-thinking, specially-trained individuals to operate. The advent of drones (UAS) and terrestrial scanners will become more of an everyday piece of equipment similar to GPS in the past.

What personal characteristics do you feel are necessary to be a successful surveyor?

Honesty, integrity, and work ethic are things that I think we all look for in a person—especially a surveyor. Without these, we are destined to fail the public’s property interests that we are sworn to protect.

Who is your biggest role model?

I have been influenced by many people, both professionally and personally. But, I think it all starts with the parents that raise you. I have been fortunate to have been supported in the choices I have made and been pushed through the hard times I encountered. I was taught the value of hard work and worth of your word, and for that, I am grateful.

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